Deliverance From Demons
A significant portion of Jesus’ ministry involved casting out demons. Today, a lot of Christians engage in deliverance ministry. Some have gone as far as to set up a “deliverance ministry” within their church. This is a good thing, but many Christian workers have also erected theological constructs around this area that can easily lead people astray.
The basic thrust of a Christian deliverance ministry is that evil spirits are in the world to steal, kill and destroy. These spirits are able to enter into the human body through sin and they can bring a host of ailments. Deliverance from these evil spirits is the key to spiritual health.
This can be accomplished through prayer and the use of deliverance scripts. It can be a very serious matter and it is important to do your research. There are many false teachers who claim to be ministers of deliverance but there is no biblical basis for this. Authentic deliverance is only done in the name of Jesus Christ and must be performed by someone who has received this gift from God (Acts 8:28).
One of the best ways to begin is by asking a person what spirit is bothering them and then commanding it to leave in Jesus’ name. A person should only do this if they feel the Holy Spirit impressing them to do so. It is important that the person does not get attached to a spirit they are commanding to leave because it can be a very dangerous situation.
Many Christians do not realize that a Deliverance from demons large number of sicknesses and diseases are caused by demonic torment or attachments. There is much to learn about these spiritual forces and there are many ways that they can be overcome. If you are suffering from a disease that cannot be explained or healed in any other way it may be time to consider deliverance.
Another issue is the question of whether or not a believer can be demon possessed. Some Christian leaders such as Don Dickerman teach that the Christian can be oppressed by demons in their bodies, soul and mind that result in maladies of all kinds. They say that these demonic torments can be caused by unforgiveness, generational curses, secret society oaths and pledges, childhood traumas or anxieties.
Other Christian leaders such as Paul Thigpen in his article 'Demon Possession and Deliverance' argue that the Bible clearly teaches that believers can be demon possessed. They point to examples of Jesus casting out demons, especially the ones that torment and harass. They argue that these demons are distinct from the evil spirit that indwells unsaved persons. Those who follow this line of thinking have reversed the teaching of many classical Pentecostals who taught that it is only the unsaved who need deliverance from demons. It is our position that a Christian can be demon possessed and needs to receive deliverance from these tormenting spirits. However, a Christian must be careful not to become attached to these spirits and must resist attempts by them to gain control of their lives.